Edwina American Academy, renowned for its unwavering commitment to supporting children who have tragically lost their fathers in the fight against ISIS, has received a prestigious appreciation certificate from the esteemed Barzani Charity Foundation (BCF). This notable recognition underscores the academy’s outstanding efforts in providing continuous care and support to these young individuals.
In the face of immense grief and adversity, Edwina American Academy has served as a steadfast pillar of hope, extending compassionate assistance to those in need. The academy’s dedicated services, tailored to meet the unique needs of children affected by such profound loss, have played a vital role in their healing and personal growth.
The appreciation certificate bestowed by the Barzani Charity Foundation serves as a testament to the profound impact of Edwina American Academy’s initiatives on the lives of these brave children. By offering solace, encouragement, and educational opportunities, the academy has paved the way for a brighter future for the young ones left behind by fallen heroes.